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Voleur | A Death In Cryptoland | CBC Podcasts | CBC Listen, episode four

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    Despite Michael Patryn’s denials that he’s a fraudster named Omar Dhanani, customers aren’t buying it. They’re demanding proof. A mugshot. A secret service agent, a felon-turned podcaster, and a childhood friend tell the story of Omar, the man Michael insists he’s not. For transcripts of this series, please visit: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/podcastnews/a-death-in-cryptoland-transcripts-listen-1.6035764

    Published: June 1, 2021

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    Article information

    Author: Richard Hall

    Last Updated: 1700270762

    Views: 1125

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    Author information

    Name: Richard Hall

    Birthday: 1957-11-19

    Address: 928 Justin Village, Port Moniquetown, GA 55932

    Phone: +4897178193556400

    Job: Pharmaceutical Sales Rep

    Hobby: Chess, Hiking, Billiards, Cocktail Mixing, Hiking, Graphic Design, Snowboarding

    Introduction: My name is Richard Hall, I am a spirited, Open, multicolored, Precious, expert, steadfast, welcoming person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.